Även om vi alla håller ett avstånd, så går vi igenom det här tillsammans.
Vi bad en del vänner från hela världen att sprida ett leende och hålla sig friska. Och det här är vad som hände.
Särskilt tack till alla vänner som deltog:
SÅNG: Spread a Smile
© Scientology Media Productions
♪ Let’s talk about something that ain’t dangerous
How about this?
So things may be a little strange for us
But listen to this ♪
♪ Yeah we could start a new direction, affecting the future ahead,
spreading smiles for miles
A new kinda trend
Wanna new style?
How about this? ♪
♪ Let’s talk about something that’s courageous
How about this?
Let’s talk about something that’s outrageous
Put this at the top of your list
We could start a new direction, affecting the future ahead,
spreading smiles for miles
A new kinda trend
Wanna new style?
How about this? ♪
♪ If you’re stuck and gonna sit at home
Live it up, live it up, live it up with me!
You’re not alone
We can lift this world from quarantine
From your phone
Pick it up, pick it up, just pick it up
Take this shot with me ♪
♪ Spread a smile
Not something else
’Cause this world is really needing your help
Spread a smile
And nothing more
And we’ll show this world it can be restored
You want a smile?
How about this? ♪
♪ If you’re stuck and gonna sit at home
Live it up, live it up, live it up with me
You’re not alone
We can lift this world while quarantined
From your phone
Pick it up, pick it up, just pick it up
Take this shot with me ♪
♪ Spread a smile
Not something else
’Cause this world is really needing your help
Spread a smile
And nothing more
And we’ll show this world it can be restored ♪
♪ Spread a smile
Not something else
’Cause this world is really needing your help
Spread a smile
And nothing more
And we’ll show this world it can be restored
You want a smile?
How about this? ♪