Co-directed by Independent filmmakers Leah Warshawski and Todd Soliday, Big Sonia follows
Faced with an agonizing decision of whether to carry on anew or retire, her lifelong struggle with her memories comes to the fore as she admits to preferring to stay busy “to keep the dark parts away.” But it’s those same traumatic memories of her youth that she transforms into actionable and enlightening philosophies, becoming a popular motivational speaker. The documentarian and granddaughter of the film’s subject, Leah Warshawski, captures her grandmother, Sonia, as she delivers a powerful message of hope in schools, churches and even prisons, impacting audiences of all ages and backgrounds.
Welcome to the Scientology Network Documentary Showcase
Fundamental to Scientology is a humanitarian mission of extraordinary scope, now extending to some 200 nations. Included therein are programs for human rights, human decency, literacy, morality, drug prevention and disaster relief.
For this reason, the Scientology Network provides a platform for Independent filmmakers who embrace a vision of building a better world.