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Destination: Scientology, Kaohsiung Social Media Toolkit
Episode Description
Kaohsiung is a vibrant municipality in Taiwan known for the breathtaking pageantry of its culture and the awe-inspiring beauty of its natural landscape. The Church of Scientology is dedicated to helping its dynamic community to keep flourishing.
About Destination: Scientology
Scientology Network’s Destination: Scientology is a weekly travelogue series that takes viewers inside Scientology Churches all around the world and discovers what makes each one unique. Each episode brings the viewer inside a new Church of Scientology, showcasing the diversity of our Churches and the cooperation that weaves each one into the local community fabric. Destination: Scientology airs Mondays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Scientology Network. (Check Scientology.TV/schedule for the day/time in your local time zone.)
This toolkit is made to provide you resources you can use to promote Destination: Scientology, Kaohsiung all across social media.