Who are Scientologists? Meet Bob, a technical software company owner from the Netherlands, living in the USA.
“To be a Scientologist means that my chances of being happy, to be successful, have increased dramatically,” says Bob. “Before I was not happy because I wasn’t pursuing my goals. I wasn’t able to communicate with people. And now that has turned around completely. So I don’t have those frustrations anymore. Whenever I run into a barrier or a difficulty—whether it’s in life or with my kids or at work—I have the tools to do something about it and then, you know, resolve it in a great way and move on with life and do better.”
このシリーズではサイエントロジストの、簡潔でアップトーンな短編が、さまざまな生き方とともに、世界のあらゆる場所から届けられます。 想像できるすべての仕事の、幅広い範囲の普通の人々が、仕事での成功から子育てまで幅広いテーマでそれぞれの人生を語ってくれます。 しかし、彼らのキャリアがどれほど異なっていても、どれだけ距離が開いていても、彼らは、Scientologyのシンプルで強力なツールが彼らの人生を変え、成功をもたらしていると信じています。