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    Inside Scientology

    Take an unprecedented look behind the scenes into the many fascinating operations of the global Scientology movement.
    Scientology is the only major religion to emerge in the 20th century. This series takes an unprecedented look behind the scenes into the many fascinating operations of the global Scientology movement. From its stunning 21st-century cathedral in Florida, state-of-the-art publishing houses, one-of-a-kind film and media facilities, see what happens on a typical day at a Church of Scientology, to a race against time to find the technology that will preserve Scientology’s scripture for thousands of years.

    Destination: Scientology

    Visit Scientology Churches all around the world and discover what makes each one unique.
    Visit Scientology Churches all around the world and discover what makes each one unique. Take an in-depth look at the impact Churches of Scientology have on neighborhoods when they open up their doors and offer their services to help the community. With the aim of contributing to the health and success of each community—from bringing together warring gangs in Los Angeles in efforts to negotiate peace, to creating dialogue between different cultures in Miami—Scientology Churches often face unique and varied challenges in every city they inhabit.

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    Meet a Scientologist

    Follow the stories of fascinating people on the cutting edge of art, science, sports and more, who also just happen to be Scientologists.
    Follow the stories of fascinating people on the cutting edge of art, science, sports, medicine, entertainment and more, who also just happen to be Scientologists. Each week, Scientologists from around the world are featured in this interview-driven series that combines intimate and emotionally uplifting portrayals on their journey to the top of their fields with honest discussions on the influential role Scientology played in their personal lives and how it helped them excel in their professional endeavors.

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    Voices for Humanity

    Join change makers from all faiths, all cultures and all nations as they extend help to their communities through Scientology-sponsored humanitarian programs.
    Join change makers from all faiths, all cultures and all nations as they extend help to their communities through Scientology-sponsored humanitarian programs. From sub-Saharan Africa to Los Angeles, California, and all points in between, they are spreading the message of human rights, educating communities on the dangers of drugs, fighting psychiatric abuse and providing disaster relief. Their voices are making a positive impact, and these are their first-hand accounts on the power of perseverance in the struggle for their cause.

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    SEASON 1


    L. Ron Hubbard: in His Own Voice

    Three-part series profiling Scientology Founder, L. Ron Hubbard.

    Three-part series profiling L. Ron Hubbard. Described as a man who lived 20 lifetimes in the span of one, here are his accounts, told in his own voice, of his extensive and adventurous travels as a youth that would profoundly influence and broaden his perspectives on the world, his success as a best-selling author, and his extraordinary discoveries on the subject of the human mind and spirit that would lead to his founding of Scientology, the only major religion that would emerge in the 20th century.


    Principles of Scientology

    A comprehensive overview of the basic beliefs and practices of the Church of Scientology.
    Practiced the world over, Scientology is first and foremost a practical religion that helps provide answers and solutions to real-life problems. Here is an introduction to the fundamental beliefs and practices of the Scientology religion vividly brought to life including the key components to interpersonal relationships, how to predict human behavior and an introduction to Scientology spiritual counseling.

    L. Ron Hubbard Library Presents

    The groundbreaking writings of L. Ron Hubbard illuminated on film.
    An original series featuring L. Ron Hubbard’s key observations and his groundbreaking discoveries on the human mind and other timeless articles vividly brought to life and narrated from the author’s own writings. Insights from the author include his reflections on honesty and personal integrity. Learn how his deeply held conviction—that Man’s accumulated knowledge and wisdom should be openly shared for the benefit of all of humanity—led to his founding of Scientology, the world’s youngest major religion.

    Dianetics: An Introduction

    An introduction to the subject of Dianetics based on L. Ron Hubbard’s all-time bestselling book on the human mind.
    Explore the revolutionary discoveries of Dianetics. L. Ron Hubbard’s all-time bestselling book on the human mind, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, inspired a movement spanning every continent on earth. Find out how painful experiences of your past can affect you in the present day.

    I am a Scientologist

    People from around the world discuss the positive impact Scientology has on their lives.
    This series features short and uplifting vignettes of Scientologists from all different walks of life and from every corner of the world. A wide array of everyday people, from just about every imaginable occupation, give personal accounts on a wide variety of topics, from succeeding at work to raising a family. But no matter how different their careers, or how remote the distances between them, each of them credit the simple yet powerful tools of Scientology as having transformed their lives and influenced their success.

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    SEASON 5

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    SEASON 1


    Documentary Showcase

    Scientology Network provides a platform for Independent filmmakers who embrace a vision of building a better world.

    Welcome to the Scientology Network Documentary Showcase

    Fundamental to Scientology is a humanitarian mission of extraordinary scope, now extending to some 200 nations. Included therein are programs for human rights, human decency, literacy, morality, drug prevention and disaster relief.

    For this reason, the Scientology Network provides a platform for Independent filmmakers who embrace a vision of building a better world.


    Signature Performances

    Legendary recording artists share their stories, their inspiration, their passion.
    Legendary recording artists share their stories, their inspiration, their passion.

    Scientologists @life

    Scientologists share videos on their interests and how they continue to thrive with Scientology.
    Scientologists @life is a series of self-shot videos created by Scientologists to connect with and inspire others across the globe. The platform provides a glimpse into the many ways everyday people around the world are using Scientology technology to learn more, create more and keep thriving in all aspects of their lives. See how Scientologists apply Scientology principles every day, whether they’re at their local Churches, at work or at home.

    Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought

    The basics of how life works and how to achieve a complete understanding of the mind, spirit and life.
    In this groundbreaking book-on-film, Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought, the focus is on the tools of life – the basic processes and principles that define the primary architecture of how life works. Discover all life has to offer by achieving a complete understanding of the mind and spirit. Recognize what motivates your actions and the actions of others, with the ultimate goal of unblocking the barriers of the extraordinary potential you have locked inside yourself.

    The Problems of Work: Scientology Applied to the Workaday World

    Based on the best-selling book, The Problems of Work provides applicable tools for career success.
    A compelling visual presentation based on L. Ron Hubbard’s book, The Problems of Work: Scientology Applied to the Workaday World, details the landmark discoveries, including the principles and laws which apply to every endeavor and every problem of work. With 70 percent of our time spent at work, difficulties on the job can impact every facet of our lives. Contained in this film is not only technology to bring stability to the workplace, but the groundbreaking processes to return joy itself to all of life.

    Scientology: Tools for Life

    An introduction to the Scientology principles that have been used to improve every aspect of life.
    This presentation is an introduction to the basic Scientology principles contained in The Scientology Handbook, vividly brought to life in 19 individual chapters. Presented are practical tools anybody can learn and use to overcome problems, to live a happier life and better the lives of those around them. Film chapters present subjects like: the Components of Understanding, the Technology of Study, Marriage, Children, Integrity and Honesty, the Basics of Organization, Targets and Goals, How to Resolve Conflicts, and more.

    Operation: Do Something About It

    The story of the planet’s largest global volunteer response.
    The story of the planet’s largest global volunteer response.

    Stay Well Concert

    A global telecast featuring legendary musicians and Grammy-winning artists coming together to uplift the world with song and inspire happiness and hope.
    A global telecast featuring legendary musicians and Grammy-winning artists coming together to uplift the world with song and inspire happiness and hope.

    The Way to Happiness

    The internationally acclaimed common sense guide to better living used by people all over the world.
    Based on the book of the same name, The Way to Happiness by L. Ron Hubbard is the acclaimed common sense guide to better living that inspired a worldwide movement. Here are all twenty-one of its precepts, including “Love and Help Children,” “Take Care of yourself” and “Honor and Help Your Parents,” brought to life in dramatic and inspiring stories. Discover what people all over the world use in their daily lives to achieve more lasting and fulfilling relationships with family, friends and colleagues.

    The Way to Happiness: Common Sense for Life

    Public service announcements based on The Way to Happiness book, a common sense guide to better living.
    Engaging public service announcements based on L. Ron Hubbard’s book The Way to Happiness, a common sense guide to better living that inspired a worldwide movement. Presented here are all twenty-one precepts of The Way to Happiness, including “Love and Help Children,” “Be Temperate,” “Honor and Help Your Parents,” “Safeguard and Improve your Environment” and “Flourish and Prosper,” that can be followed by anyone to attain a happier, more prosperous and more rewarding life.

    The Truth About Drugs Film

    A comprehensive look into the true dangers of the most popular drugs told by former drug addicts.
    A powerful and comprehensive look into the true dangers of the most popular drugs, from marijuana, opioids and synthetic street drugs, to the addictive pharmaceuticals marketed with slick advertising campaigns and stocked inside medicine cabinets of the average American household. Former drug addicts seek to educate others by sharing their harrowing stories, from getting hooked with just one hit, to the ultimate devastation caused to themselves, their families and friends.

    They Said, They Lied

    Public service announcements for drug education that provides a look into the dangers of drugs.
    Series of compelling public service announcements for drug education that provides a comprehensive look into the true and devastating dangers of the most popular drugs, from marijuana, alcohol, opioids and synthetic street drugs to the highly addictive pharmaceuticals marketed with multi-million dollar advertising campaigns and targeted at adults and schoolchildren all across America.

    The Story of Human Rights

    A dramatic presentation of the history of human rights from its origins to the present day.
    This striking short film defines—simply and concisely—one of the world’s most misunderstood subjects: human rights. The informative and dramatic presentation shows the history of human rights from its origins in ancient times to the present-day Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Here are all thirty of the human rights, the basic rights and freedoms to which all human beings are entitled, including the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law.

    30 Rights Brought to Life

    Acclaimed series of public service announcements to raise awareness for all 30 human rights.
    A powerful and internationally acclaimed series of public service announcements to raise awareness for all thirty of the fundamental human rights guaranteed to every human being on earth by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the charter championed by Eleanor Roosevelt at the United Nations. Presented here in dramatic vignettes are all thirty of the human rights, including the Right to Equality, Freedom of Belief and Religion, the Right to Adequate Living Standard and the Right to Education.

    Citizens Commission on Human Rights

    Investigative documentary series to educate the public on the abuses of psychiatry.
    This ongoing investigative series features the global advocacy organization taking on powerful and well-funded psychiatric interest groups to educate the public on abuses of psychiatry. Featured documentaries expose the truth about the marketing of psychotropic prescriptions, the dangers of those drugs and the industry’s terrifying history.


    Scientology Network is available for free on Android, iOS, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Google Chromecast and the web.