Who are Scientologists? Meet Serena, a belly dance teacher from Brazil, living in England.
“Scientology helps me with my job because I had a lot of trouble just getting my ideas out,” says Serena. “I wanted to teach, but I was very shy to be in front of people and I didn’t know how to handle communication. And I did that course, Success through Communication Course, it was the first course I did in Scientology. And so many light bulbs kept going on and on and on. I just completely changed my point of view on how I could reach other people or could just express myself. It just gave me the skill actually, of putting communication across and receiving communication as well.”
Esta serie presenta historias breves e inspiradoras de Scientologists de todos los estratos de la vida y desde cada rincón del mundo. Una amplia gama de gente común de casi todas las profesiones imaginables, dan sus relatos personales en una amplia variedad de temas, desde tener éxito en el trabajo hasta criar una familia. Pero no importa cuán diferentes sean sus carreras, o cuán alejadas sean las distancias entre ellos, cada uno de ellos acredita las herramientas simples pero poderosas de Scientology por haber transformado sus vidas e influenciado su éxito.