Kevin relishes the work he’s produced on behalf of nonprofit charities, including food banks, the homeless and more. His documentary The Promised Land, featuring stories of homeless military veterans, won an international film award and garnered a national Emmy nomination, in addition to raising $1 million for the disenfranchised in one city alone. The film launched a string of hard-hitting documentaries about race, healthcare, children and more.
Miller’s films have garnered 7 regional and national Emmy Awards and nominations and 15 international film awards thus far. He has worked with Academy Award winner Tilda Swinton, beloved actress Judi Dench, veteran actor James Earl Jones and others.
Decades after they were sold as “safe and effective” medicines, millions who were prescribed antidepressant, antipsychotic and other psychiatric drugs discovered the hidden perils of these drugs.
Letters from Generation Rx represents the stories of thousands of real people who experienced their dangers firsthand.
This award-winning documentary shares how the cavalier use of these powerful psychotropics created a new class of disability, in addition to an avalanche of other devastating consequences.
Bienvenido a la Muestra de Documentales del Scientology Network.
Lo fundamental de Scientology es una misión humanitaria de extraordinario alcance, ahora extendiéndose a más de 200 naciones. En ella se incluyen programas para los derechos humanos, decencia, alfabetización, moralidad, prevención de drogas y alivio en la catástrofe.
Por esta razón, el Scientology Network proporciona una plataforma para cineastas independientes que adoptan una visión de construir un mundo mejor.