Three-part series profiling L. Ron Hubbard. Described as a man who lived 20 lifetimes in the span of one, here are his accounts, told in his own voice, of his extensive and adventurous travels as a youth that would profoundly influence and broaden his perspectives on the world, his success as a best-selling author, and his extraordinary discoveries on the subject of the human mind and spirit that would lead to his founding of Scientology, the only major religion that would emerge in the 20th century.
說明L. 羅恩 賀伯特的三部曲。人們說,他一生活了二十輩子,聽聽他親口述說自己的故事:廣泛且充滿冒險的青少年旅行,那深深影響和擴展他對世界的觀點;身為成功的暢銷作家,以及他在人類心靈與靈性這個主題上卓越超凡的發現,因而導致他建立Scientology:在20世紀出現的唯一主要新興宗教。