Once a struggling college student, Michael Kroko managed to overcome lifelong obstacles in learning, enabling him to design and pioneer some of the technology that’s critical to making most of today’s innovations possible, including cameras, cell phones and even the Mars rover.
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He creates the technology that makes technological miracles possible.
“My basic motivation was to really see if I could conquer the physical universe. And that’s where the fun comes in—you get to experiment.”
“What makes me come to work every day is a good challenge.”
Meet a Scientologist: Michael Kroko, Engineering New Inventions & Tech (00:36)
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Scientology Network’s Meet a Scientologist is a weekly series spotlighting the everyday lives of Scientologists from around the world and all walks of life. Meet a Scientologist airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Scientology Network. (Check Scientology.TV/schedule for the day/time in your local time zone.)
The Scientology Network debuted on March 12, 2018. Since launching, the Scientology Network has been viewed in over 240 countries and territories worldwide in 17 languages. Satisfying the curiosity of people about Scientology, the network takes viewers across six continents, spotlighting the everyday lives of Scientologists; showing the Church as a global organization; and presenting its social betterment programs that have touched the lives of millions worldwide. The network also showcases documentaries by Independent filmmakers who represent a cross section of cultures and faiths, but share a common purpose of uplifting communities. Scientology Network’s innovative content has been recognized with more than 125 industry awards, including Tellys, Communitas and Hermes Creative Awards.
Broadcast from Scientology Media Productions, the Church’s global media center in Los Angeles, the Scientology Network is available on DIRECTV Channel 320, DIRECTV STREAM, AT&T U-verse and can be streamed at scientology.tv, on mobile apps and via the Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV platforms.
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Meet a Scientologist: Michael Kroko
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