
LOS ANGELES, CA—November 1, 2021—
November 1, 2021


If, as Rod Stewart sang, “Every Picture Tells a Story,” then Grays of Westminster has surely contributed volumes to some of the best ever told. The brainchild of Gray Levett, Grays of Westminster is the revolutionary retailer that shattered expectations and established itself as the premier photography store of the world. Gray Levett, recently featured on Scientology Network’s Meet a Scientologist documentary series, is celebrating his store’s 35th anniversary in the photography business with yet more prestigious awards and hitting more incredible milestones.

In the 1990s, Gray Levett shook up the world of photography with an innovative idea that others told him was destined to fail. He started the world’s first-ever Nikon-only store, focusing on providing the absolute best possible customer service. Now, 35 years on, the first camera shop to be granted a Coat of Arms by Her Majesty’s College of Arms has not only survived the turbulence of the pandemic disruptions, Grays actually created ways to thrive and add to its already impressive collection of accolades and awards.

Gray states, “We were presented with the Retailer of the Year Award 2020 from the British Photographic Industry News. This was followed by our winning again in May 2021 … the third year in a row. Then it was announced we had won the coveted Amateur Photographer magazine Platinum Good Service Award 2021 for the fifth year in a row, voted for by the public.”

During lockdown, Grays launched an array of popular instructive live streams that garnered over one million views and webinars that brought nearly six million visits in a four-week period.

Gray reveals, “Our motto is ‘Lead in order to serve,’” and expresses in his documentary the important role Scientology plays in keeping him focused on his goals, “Scientology gave me the tools that I could apply to anything that I wanted to address, and it’s actually only made me want to help people more and be valuable.”

Find out more about Gray Levett and his legendary store on his episode of Meet a Scientologist.

MEET A SCIENTOLOGIST airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Scientology Network.

The Scientology Network debuted on March 12, 2018. Since launching, the Scientology Network has been viewed in 240 countries and territories worldwide in 17 languages. Satisfying the curiosity of people about Scientology, the network takes viewers across six continents, spotlighting the everyday lives of Scientologists; showing the Church as a global organization; and presenting its social betterment programs that have touched the lives of millions worldwide. The network also showcases documentaries by Independent filmmakers who represent a cross section of cultures and faiths, but share a common purpose of uplifting communities.

Broadcast from Scientology Media Productions, the Church’s global media center in Los Angeles, the Scientology Network is available on DIRECTV Channel 320 and can be streamed at, on mobile apps and via the Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV platforms.

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