Three-part series profiling L. Ron Hubbard. Described as a man who lived 20 lifetimes in the span of one, here are his accounts, told in his own voice, of his extensive and adventurous travels as a youth that would profoundly influence and broaden his perspectives on the world, his success as a best-selling author, and his extraordinary discoveries on the subject of the human mind and spirit that would lead to his founding of Scientology, the only major religion that would emerge in the 20th century.
3つのパートから成るL. ロン ハバードのプロフィール。 ひとつの生涯で20の人生を送った人として描写されています。彼自身の声で語られた記憶 ― 若き日の壮大で冒険溢れる旅(彼に大きな影響をもたらし、世界に対する視野を大きく広げることになった)。ベストセラー作家としての成功。Scientology(20世紀に登場した唯一の主要な宗教)の創設につながる、人間の心と精神という主題に関する驚くべき発見。